A In Depth Interview with Wendy Keller, Hosted by Bart Baggett
Title: Books & Authors Mastermind Webinar with special guest author and literary agent Wendy Keller. Description: This unique live class with Bart Baggett and Wendy Keller will help you understand the “big game” of publishing and help you create a career blueprint to be a NY Times best selling author, get a big advance from a NY publisher… and reasons you might choose to not go down that road for success. Wendy has sold, written, and represented over 15 NY Times Best Selling Authors and is one of the top NON FICTION agents in the industry.
Title: Authors & Publishers with Literary Agent Wendy Keller Replay available via audio: Download the to audio mp3 replay now, so you can listen on the go. http://instantteleseminar.com/?eventid=54432723
Video video streaming with sound synced below:
Guest Biography: Wendy Keller won her first writing contest at age ten, and landed her first job as a newspaper reporter at sixteen. Her passion for writing and fascination with the power of the written word drove her to work for PR Newswire; the Knight-Ridder newspaper chain; as managing editor of Dateline magazine; and to become associate publisher of Los Angeles’ then-second-largest Spanish language newspaper, La Gaceta. In 1989, Ms. Keller founded a literary agency dedicated to helping talented people achieve the greatest possible level of success. ”Getting the book deal is the easy part,” Ms. Keller tells new writers. “The talent part is what you do before, during and after publication to turn it into your own empire, to build your platform.” Today, about 1,200 rights deals done worldwide, the simple literary agency also features an active speakers bureau and a laser-focused marketing/platform building component, customized for each client. Keller Media, Inc is alert to every option for our clients to increase their visibility and status, and fully exploit every revenue opportunity extant in their content. Wendy Keller has personally taught more than 10,000 authors her unique and efficient system for turning a simple book deal into a lucrative career; and almost 7,500 new speakers how to get started in the business. Wendy writes for fun. She is the author of 31 published books under 9 pseudonyms, and has been a featured guest on 53 television programs, including Dr Phil, Dateline NBC, CBS The Early Show, Hannity and Colmes, Crosstalk, Fox, ABC, Politically Incorrect and other programs. She and her books have been featured on more than 500 radio shows worldwide and has been written up in print, including The Wall Street Journal, Arizona Republic, Dallas Morning News, Chicago Tribune, Playboy, The Scotsman, Maxim, Parenting and the Miami Herald. Wendy Keller is unique among agents because she has worked in and around the media her entire career, as well as succeeded herself as an author and entrepreneur. As the industry moves into a new era, Wendy is becoming a prominent voice expounding on the need for authors and all types of content providers to take a vibrant, active role in the promotion of their own material by building ever-expanding platforms. In her free time, Wendy rows with a crew on the marina near her home and enjoys hiking, luxury travel, languages, archaeological studies and of course, reading. You can see her products and get thousands of dollars of “inside information” inside her information products. However, if you want to hire her for one-on-one consulting, you are required to own her products first… so you have more intelligent a more “advanced” consultation experience.
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